Lower Electric Bill – Qualified Location?
In most areas of Texas, energy was deregulated in 2002. Over 5 years ago, Frank Marsters, Marsters Company, started brokering Commercial electricity. Most consumers have now become accustomed to shopping Retail Electric Providers (REP). These entities are licensed by the state, to resell electricity.
Frank doesn’t represent a single REP; but, has contracts with and represents no less than 7 hand-picked, preferred, REPs. This provides almost unbeatable pricing and service.
“So, in a nutshell, I pull the prospect’s/client’s previous 12 month usage and put it out for bid to these select REPs. In other words, the REPs bid on the client’s power usage. Therefore, I am able to offer my commercial clients the best available pricing and can lock the rates in – long term. To date, I’ve never been beaten on pricing and right now, with the glut of natural gas, pricing is at a 10 year low.
I get paid by the REP that I place the service with – so, it’s a win-win for the client – they pay nothing for my service and save money on their electrical usage!
Example; In 2012 I signed Chad Navarre with Navarre Moving and Storage, Fresno TX. His facility has both climate controlled and boat storage. Since 2012 I’ve been able to save him over $6,800. I just renewed his contract and for the next four years, he will save an additional $1,700/year. His NOI is increased without him spending a nickel, or doing a thing. Not surprisingly, he’s very pleased.” – – -Frank Marsters
To find out if your self storage business is located in a deregulated geographic location of Texas that would qualify for lower electric bills, email Frank at marstersco@earthlink.net (copy & paste email).Unfortunately, large swaths of Texas are NOT yet deregulated.
Consultation is FREE to find out if your electric expense can be reduced.